O Φορέας Διαχείρισης Λίμνης Παμβώτιδας Ιωαννίνων ενσωματώθηκε στον Οργανισμό Φυσικού Περιβάλλοντος και Κλιματικής Αλλαγής (Ο.ΦΥ.ΠΕ. Κ.Α.) σύμφωνα με την υπ’ αριθμ. ΥΠΕΝ/ΔΝΕΠ/9236/400/2-2-2022 απόφαση (ΦΕΚ 517/Β/9-2-2022)
Η ιστοσελίδα της νέας Μονάδας Διαχείρισης Προστατευόμενων Περιοχών Ηπείρου είναι διαθέσιμη στον ακόλουθο σύνδεσμο:
Η παρούσα ιστοσελίδα του πρώην Φορέα (https://www.lakepamvotis.gr) πλέον δεν ενημερώνεται και παραμένει για αρχειακούς λόγους.
Επικοινωνία: mdpp.epirus@necca.gov.gr
Natural Environment and Climate Change Agency (NECCA) incorporated Lake Pamvotis Management Body, due to MD ΥΠΕΝ/ΔΝΕΠ/9236/400/2-2-2022 (GG 517/Β/9-2-2022)
The website of Management Unit of the Protected Areas of Epirus is available at the following url:
The present website of the ex-Management Body (https://www.lakepamvotis.gr) is not currently updated and remains live for archival purposes.
Contact: mdpp.epirus@necca.gov.gr
The importance of volunteering in a modern society is the highest form of social sensitiveness and contribution. It is becoming increasingly important as it expresses social responsibility of an active citizen.
Volunteering has become an important tool for protecting the environment. The volunteering activities and the increase in participation of young people in them are an essential step towards the creation of a society of responsible citizens. Citizens from being users or criticisers of events are becoming responsible and conscious world citizens who actively participate in the formulation of a quality future for themselves and for future generations.
When someone is a volunteer:
• Selects to dedicate time and skills
• Helps the local community and the Management Body
• It is self-beneficiary
• Works in an entrusted volunteer role
• Works for free
Volunteering offers significant benefits:
• You feel better about yourself
• It increases self-esteem and confidence
• You make new friends (socialization and social networking)
• You get new skills and qualifications
• It offers informal learning (foreign languages, first aid)
• You get work experience
• It offers career Testing / Experimentation
• You dedicate your time creatively
Management Body of Pamvotis Lake and Volunteering
The Management Body since its establishment has organized and participated in many volunteer efforts, such as:
• Working with groups (Samaritans, Ornithological Society, Fishermen, Local Authorities, schools etc.)
• Tree planting in the riparian zone
• Cleaning of shoreline open areas
• Keeping “open line” contact with concerned citizens (information about events)
Since 2010, the Management Body has followed a more structured and regular volunteering form, so:
• The Management Body’s participation in the 12th Panhellenic General Panepirotic Exhibition 2010, offered the opportunity to create a volunteer register in order to attract and inform all social groups. The result of participation in the exhibition was the registration of 30 volunteers.
• It was produced and posted on Management Body’s website a form for the registration of new volunteers.
• It was created a social network page (Facebook), which has already gained a lot of friends.
Proposed voluntary activities:
• Participation in visitor’s awareness activities for the protected area
• Participation in surveillance-monitoring of protected area of Pamvotis Lake (illegal infillings, pollution, illegal hunting, illegal fishing)
• Participation in the implementation of monitoring programmes
• Feedback for proposals and ideas
• Seasonal cleaning programmes
• Experiential programmes and raising awareness activities for children and youth
• Attract and welcoming visitors and young volunteers
What the Management Body expects from the volunteers:
• Be fair and respectful to others
• Inform if something goes wrong or does not work
• Attend any training required
• Perform the tasks agreed
Become a volunteer of the Management Body of Pamvotis Lake by downloading and filling your details on the form: volunteer registration!
To view the form, click the icon below
Send to e-mail: malpi@otenet.gr
Fields marked with (*) are necessary.